Thursday, November 6, 2008

Eat this!

Everyone loves Trader Joe's, especially in Seattle! Whether it be the U-District, Queen Anne, Capitol Hill, or soon to be Ballard (hurry up already!!) the place is always packed with shoppers. If you want to find everything you are looking for (and some new things you didn't know you needed) on the shelves and get a prime parking spot you've got to consider timing. No Sunday evening shopping...actually just avoid Sundays and dinner times in general.

Finding new and interesting items at Trader Joe's is the best part of the experience! It's always great to pick up a new quick dinner idea, another great cheap wine, or a new favorite frozen waffle. The vast majority of TJ's products I have tried are major hits - great food, even better prices! Many have become staples in my daily meals and snacks, or essentials for the weekend hike.

I'm starting this blog in the hope of spreading the TJ's love - helping people find new, affordable, interesting, and (most of the time) healthy food!

The name of the blog is a take-off of Alton Brown's TV shows Feasting on Asphalt & Feasting on Waves. While Good Eats is the original and masterpiece of Alton's shows, I liked the sound of Feasting on TJ's. It also works because TJ's tends to have a bit of a nautical theme going (three bell!?)

So eat, drink, and enjoy! :-)

Now playing: Pepper - 01 Back Home
via FoxyTunes

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